EU Duty to go up on camcorders

Tonklemoose, the Twitter account for, would like to remind all those of the European persuasion that the EU duty on camcorders will increase by 1.5% (to 14%) on February 1st, 2010.

The interesting thing about the EU tax on camcorders (for those outside the EU) is that it is the reason Canon restricts their 7D and 5D Mark II to 29:59 minutes of recording maximum, in Standard Definition mode. With that limitation, the cameras are not classified as camcorders, and don't get hit with the duty.


Michael Murie said…
While the 14% tax on camcorders is significant (I'm not sure what the tax on still cameras is!) the 1.5% increase probably isn't enough to justify rushing out and buying a camera today; unless you were already planning to get one in the next month or so.

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