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Arri Makes a “Baby Alexa”, Introducing the Alexa HD | Wide Open Camera
ARRI takes out some features, but the price is still $30.3K, or maybe $44K:
The key features lacking compared to other Alexa models is ArriRAW and high resolution, the camera is a straight-up HD camera with the Alexa’s classic smooth 14 stop of Dynamic Range, high ISO sensitivity, and uncompressed 12-bit 4444 or 422 max potential throughput.

The Rasmussen Brothers on Shooting the Low-Budget Horror Movie Dark Feed, Part One | Michael Murie | Filmmaker Magazine
I had a great time interviewing the Rasmussen brothers about their experience making a low-budget movie. This is part one of three:
We had just started playing around with the Canon 7D, and we were really impressed with the video quality. We decided that we could shoot a sort of Robert Rodriguez, guerilla-style film and stay within our budget. It was really the technology that made it possible; we realized that we didn’t need to have a fancy camera package, and we didn’t need to have a big production.

Canon C500 & Ki Pro Quad RAW Workflow | AbelCine
Last month I showed you how to set up the Ki Pro Quad with the Canon C500 to capture 4K ProRes files. Today I’m going to go over how to capture Canon RAW (up to 59.94p) using the Ki Pro Quad‘s Thunderbolt pass-through function and AJA’s CamXchange software. You can visit AJA’s site to download CamXchange software for free.

Tips on Filmmaking: Improve the Viewer Experience | Thaddeus Setla | Zacuto
Independent Website
This is the most custom way to create the experience. Depending on how web savvy you are this could be a great experience or frustrating one. Considering all of the platforms out there like WordPress, Joomla, Ruby on Rails etc, and my advice is to hire a graphic designer to get your branding down.

Breeder's Opening Title Magic | Imagineer Systems
Breeder is a design-­led motion graphics studio with an all­-consuming passion for storytelling. Founded in 2010 and based in Brisbane, Australia, the team at Breeder specializes in motion graphics - taking an idea from concept to completion. Imagineer spoke with Adam Sebastian West, creative director at Breeder; and his enthusiasm for his work is inspiring. We asked Adam and his team to talk a little bit about his shop and some projects they’ve been working on.

The Great Gatsby VFX | Chris Godfrey | Vimeo
My name is Chris Godfrey and I was the VFX supervisor on the film.Baz has graciously agreed to let us release this 'before and afters' reel to show our peer group the VFX work completed on his film 'The Great Gatsby'. While this specific reel was the work of Animal Logic (as my primary vendor), in total I worked with 7 vendors including Animal Logic, Rising Sun and Iloura in Australia, ILM in San Francisco and also Prime Focus and Method Vancouver. We also ran an amazing internal SWAT team that completed over 400 shots. Congratulations to all who did such fabulous work on almost 1500 shots.

The Great Gatsby VFX from Chris Godfrey on Vimeo.

Scott Ross interview extract | movieScope
More on the cons of tax incentives for movies:
Scott Ross: The offering of tax incentives is one of the main causes of turmoil in the industry, and could be the ultimate ruination of the industry. It’s like trying to treat heroin addiction with methadone. If you’re in the locale that gets the subsidies and tax breaks for a short period of time, it looks great and rosy for that time, then someone else a thousand miles away offers tax breaks, it doesn’t look so good any more.

We wanted to give the White House a different personality. A fine smoke was used on most of the sets to help materialize the light coming through the windows. In order to achieve a better color contrast between the shaft of daylight coming in the sets and the warmth of the practicals and multiple chandeliers, all of the film was shot using HMI fixtures. It was a premiere for me, and I was a bit nervous, because the technical challenges are numerous on a stage using HMI.

A look at the evolution of the screenplay:
Our fascination with film goes back to the late 1800s. Film started off as a novelty – practically a parlor trick using photographic techniques and the newly invented light bulb to project what looks like moving images on a screen.


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