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Building a Computer: Part 1 - Choosing Your Components | Brandon Vincent
| Vimeo
Brandon is doing a series on building a custom box that could run OS X. This is part 1:
This is Part 1 of a 3 Part series of videos explaining how to build a custom computer. This part goes over the process of choosing your components, and what I've chosen for this particular build.

The Power of a Short and Sweet Demo Reel | Shane Hurlbut | Hurlblog
KISS (Keep It Simple Stupid). Try not to over-complicate a reel. Too much flash and quick cuts will make it seem like you are trying to hide something. Treat your reel like telling the story of what makes you tick. Convey your personality, your expression as an artist. This is so important to make it your own, so that your style comes across.

Watch: Robert McIntosh's Aerial GoPro Footage is Absolutely Breathtaking
| Joe Marine | No Film School
Many people were a bit baffled why anyone would mod a GoPro to allow more manual controls and C-mount lenses like the Radiant Images/View Factor Novo, but this is one of those situations where a camera with a less distorted lens and manual controls would give even more precise control over the footage.

Ep. 37 - "Hurlbut Returns" (with Shane Hurlbut, ASC) | NeedCreative Podcast
In this very special 37th episode of the NeedCreative Podcast, your host Paul Antico is joined again by Shane Hurbut, ASC. We have a great talk about the art and science of cinematography, and the second half of this episode Shane provides a workshop of sorts, taking you into some story scenarios and how he might light & lense them. It's a great show.

A video-based interface for hand-driven stop motion animation production
| Hongbo Fu | YouTube
Interesting tool that takes out your hands after you animate the objects:
Demo for our paper to be published at IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications. 

Ikonoskop A-cam dll versus Blackmagic Cinema Camera | Andrew Reid | EOSHD
It seems they had problems with IR contamination with the Ikonoskop, or a problem with Resolve:
I feel the Blackmagic Cinema Camera is easier to just get on and shoot with without any special tricks and easier to handle in post – at least in my limited experience of the Ikonoskop. Certainly out the box the BMCC is more ready. But maybe the Ikonoskop – to my eye at least – looks more cinematic? You can judge the test footage and draw your own conclusions!

Advanced Spill Suppression Methods | Daniel Broadway | TutsPlus
Extensive After Effects tutorial:
This tutorial shows how to use sophisticated channel operations to achieve a more accurate spill suppression result than is attainable with AE’s default plug-ins.

Video: Steadicam progress – the career of Paul Thomas Anderson in five shots
| Kevin B. Lee | British Film Institute
Some more Steadicam material, this time an in-depth breakdown of five shots:
Thinking on what sets The Master apart from Paul Thomas Anderson’s earlier films, what strikes me most vividly is a marked difference in camera movement and staging. I wouldn’t be surprised if a proper cinemetric analysis found that up to half of the film’s running time consists of close-ups with little to no camera movement.

The Introvert's Guide to a Successful SXSW | Dorie Clark | Forbes
Create a connection goal. You could make infinite connections at SXSW, and stay out all night doing so. If you’re an introvert, spare yourself the grief. Set the number of connections you’d like to make – let’s say three – and then consider anything else a bonus.

Aurora Borealis. The Northern Lights in 4K, UHDTV Ultra High Definition
| Alister Chapman | YouTube
Here is a compilation of clips from my recent photography and video workshop in Norway where I teach people to photograph and video the Northern Lights. This version was shot using still frames taken with a Sony NEX5 and Alpha A99. Then edited together to produce a time-lapse 4K video clip. Check out my web site if you want to join me on one of these tours. They run in December and Jan/Feb each year. www.xdcam-user.com


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