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Animating the Inanimate: Interview with Charlie Collier | Michael Murie
| Filmmaker Magazine
At 20 years of age, Charlie Collier of Zapamation may be a young filmmaker, but he’s already got almost eight years of stop-motion experience behind him. A self-taught animator, he says he was able to get into this partly because of the flexibility he gained from being homeschooled; he was able to incorporate animation into the curriculum. 

Stop-Motion Music Video Uses Hundreds of Polaroid Pictures
| Brian Anthony Hernandez | Mashable
Cool animation using Polaroid pictures...
The video weaves a stop-motion tale using hundreds of Polaroid pictures, whose once-blank canvases were provided by ex-Polaroid employees now leading The Impossible Project.

FocusMaker – A unique focusing tool for stills lenses | Matthew Jeppsen | Fresh DV
Here’s a tool that I don’t really know how to classify…it’s called the FocusMaker, and it’s a simple $89 device that straps directly on to a camera lens, and gives you a few focus indicators and stops.

Why is the RED SCARLET Four Times the Cost of a Canon 5D Mark III | Joe Marine
| No Film School
Obviously one only shoots 1080p in H.264 but can be pushed quite a bit in lower light, and one can go all the way up to 4K at 24fps in RAW, but its ISO can’t be pushed quite as far. What if the stuff you’re shooting is just going to the web, do you really need all that extra resolution and detail? Will it make a difference in the end? Check out a test below from Robureau comparing the two cameras visually.

Apple Reportedly Discontinuing Mac Pro Sales In Europe Starting In March | DARRELL ETHERINGTON | Tech Crunch
But the Pro’s debatable market appeal isn’t what’s causing the termination of sales in that region: the existing models simply don’t comply with Europe’s new regulatory standards for consumer electronics, according to 9to5Mac.

Amazon Profits Fall 45 Percent, Still the Most Amazing Company in the World | Matthew Yglesias | Slate
I love Amazon, but sometimes I wonder about whether it's really a good thing....
The company's shares are down a bit today, but the company's stock is taking a much less catastrophic plunge in already-meager profits than Apple, whose stock plunged simply because its Q4 profits increased at an unexpectedly slow rate. That's because Amazon, as best I can tell, is a charitable organization being run by elements of the investment community for the benefit of consumers. 

How to Deal with Crushing Feedback on Your Creative Work | Mark McGuinness
| 99u
Chances are you've been in Sarah's shoes: you produce work you're really proud of, then someone with none of your professional skill, knowledge, or expertise judges it in an instant - often based on vague or subjective criteria. They don't know much about art but they know what they don't like.

All The World’s a Virtual Stage in Disney’s New Camera Capture System
| Dan Sarto | AWN
The goal of the Camera Capture development project has been to replicate the feel of a live-action camera, providing a higher quality, more lifelike camera motion. Using rough layouts with simple geometry or more finished environments, Camera Capture let’s artists see what it would be like to move through each world and create exciting camera moves to meet the demands of the story.


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