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| Filmmaker Magazine
As interesting as the new technology – and promised 14 stops of dynamic range – is, these two cameras also show that Sony has been listening to, and are making a serious effort to woo customers. While the image quality of the PMW-F3 was widely lauded, it wasn’t a shoulderable camera – without a third party rig – and while the LCD Panel was good quality, it wasn’t in the right position when you had the camera on your shoulder. Sony has reworked the design, added a shoulder rig option, and will offer three EVF options; an improved LCD EVF, an OLED EVF and a 7″ LCD.

Introducing the PMW-F55 | Sony Europe
Richard Lewis, Cinematography Product Specialist, provides a detailed, hands-on tour of the new CineAlta 4K cameras. All the key features, including the flexible modular structure, multiple recording formats, menu controls and important accessories are shown. The 18 minute video also demonstrates recording on SxS Pro+ and AXSM memory card, including RAW and XAVC codecs.

SKYFALL set to be the biggest Bond yet | ARRI Group News
An interview with cinematographer Roger Deakins:
Roger Deakins: I first used the ALEXA on IN TIME (2011) and on that film I had a huge amount of night exteriors, so I needed a camera with speed and versatility. I did side-by-side testing and found that there was so much more latitude in the file from the ALEXA than in a 4K scan of a film negative. I was also drawn to the subtle fall-off to highlights and the enormous amount of detail in the shadows. It was the first digital camera I had seen where I thought the technology had crossed the knife edge and taken us into a new world.

| The AWSC Blog
Enter The Swedish Gangster, my very smart colleague and friend from Portland who shall remain nameless. He heard me kvetch enough about Pro Tools and the clunkiness to suggest a truly elegant solution — Adobe Audition using an Apogee Duet, a very small box that takes up very little space.

Mac Fusion Drive: pro users beware | Robin Harris | ZDNet
People who make a living on their Macs working with big files shouldn't risk letting HFS+ move their data around any more than they must. There will be corruption and you won't know it until it is too late. That makes FD a bad idea for pros

Agenda Announced for the Boston SuperMeetUp, Nov. 9 | ProVideoCoalition
The CPUG Network has announced the Third Annual Boston SuperMeetUp, to take place on Friday, November 9, 2012 in Theater 1 at the Revere Hotel Boston Common in Boston, MA. Featuring Oscar nominated film editor Tim Squyres, A.C.E., NYC based directors Jason and Josh Diamond and San Francisco based filmmaker Kanen Flowers, this SuperMeetUp promises to be one of this season’s premiere social gathering of the New England creative production and post community. Tickets are on sale online only.

Cinematography of 'American Horror Story: Asylum' Uses Classic Tools to Terrify in 35mm | Dave Kendricken | No Film School
One vital piece of the puzzle that is AHS is its look, which is being achieved on 35mm film — especially notable when FX’s own Sons of Anarchy and Justified, for instance, have opted for Alexa and EPIC respectively. Courtesy American Cinematographer, here’s a look at the shooting style of this aggressively original program — and just in time for the show’s Halloween episode premiere!

MoChat 18 Transcript & Summary | Paul Conigliaro | Motion League
Last night on MoChat we discussed getting started with expressions in After Effects. Adobe posted links off the bat for examples and basics. As far as the go-to & first learned expressions, loopOut() and wiggle() seemed to be the most common. For learning more about expressions, there is Harry Frank’s After Effects Expressions series, an FXPHD course taught by Harry as well, AE Enhancers, or a bonus chapter in Creating Motion Graphics.

Sony Internet TV, Blu-Ray & Google TV Review | Sarah Auerswald | Sarah & Sons
The Sony KDL-EX645 Internet TV was easy to set up because it’s got built-in Wifi. All we had to do was plug it in, turn it on, and join our home’s Wifi network. Voila! We were able to watch Netflix through our streaming account – ditto our Amazon Prime streaming account. The TV also comes loaded with Hulu Plus, Video Unlimited and blinkx, for lots of video streaming options.


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