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Canon EOS-1D X Has Begun Shipping to a Select Few [CR2] | CanonRumors
The Canon 4K DSLR may be shipping to some lucky people:
I’ve received good info that production samples of the Canon EOS-1D X have begun shipping to preselected lucky photographers. I’m told it’s for Euro 2012 and Olympic photographers, so they can get familiar with the camera.

FULL review of Sony FS700 this week! In meantime here are some shots I did in SUPER SLOW MOTION | Philip Bloom | Blog
Philip is working on a review, and has posted some footage:
The FS700 is not a replacement for the excellent-image-producing but a wee bit plasticky and frustrating FS100. It’s a model up. Is it worth the upgrade? Have they improved on some of the more annoying aspects of the camera? Will I buy one?! All these questions will be answered by Friday, so stay tuned!

Sony FS700 Forman Birger Mount & 240fps Slow Motion Prototype Tests
| Mark Forman | Vimeo
More slow-mo video shot with the NEX-FS700.

Review: Adobe Premiere Pro CS6 | Scott Simmons | Studio Daily
An in-depth review of Premiere Pro CS6:
Summary: Adobe Premiere Pro CS6 is the biggest and best update to Premiere Pro in years. An interface overhaul, some technical updates and radically redesigned trimming make it, by far, the best PPro yet. It’s not perfect … but really, is anything perfect?

How to Use Noise Industries’ Free Pan and Zoom Plugin with Final Cut Pro X
| J.R. Bookwalter | Mac|Life
A look at a free plug-in for Final Cut Pro X that runs within Noise Industry's FxFactory:
“Pan and Zoom (Auto)” includes two generators -- one that will adjust automatically depending on the duration of the clip, and another that will animate based on a preset time of your choosing. The others, “Pan and Zoom (Keyframed),” allow for more precise and complicated animation that goes beyond simply start and end positions.

The Extra Mile. DSLR Video | Michael Sutton | Wide Open Camera
Doing more for a labor of love:
The drive to, climb up, shoot, climb down, drive back was a good seven hours of our day. The prep and post prep was a good two-three hours as well. Nine hours of our weekend (we both work full time jobs) gone for 10 seconds of our film. Hopefully the final product once complete will be as well received as we envisioned it. It was worth it.

When Mishaps Lead to Magnificence | Ron Dawson | Dare Dreamer
Messing up the audio of a project means time to rethink things:
Then I thought. “I could just edit his re-recorded presentation like any old lecture series. Or, I could take a chance and do something…different.” As I often do, I dared to dream big. It just so happens that the content of Dwain’s presentation generated this incredible imagery. So I thought to myself, “What if instead of editing this like a regular old lecture, we make it a documentary short film?” It’s never been done before and I wanted to be the first to do it.

Litepanels Expands LED Fresnel Line | Creative Planet Network
Fresnel LEDs have been somewhat rare so far, but now LitePanels is showing some:
The Inca 6 and Inca 4 mirror the capabilities of their daylight counterparts in the Sola Series of Fresnels, but will output tungsten-balance light that can be integrated with light from legacy tungsten fixtures. This now allows studios with existing tungsten fixtures to begin realizing the cost-saving benefits of LED lighting today without changing out their whole lighting installation.


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