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Available Light Comparison Tests Shed Light on Formats | David Heuring | Kodak
A film and digital camera low-light comparison was performed by director Kate Dennis and cinematographer John Brawley, and the results then shown to different audiences. They shot on 35 mm and Super 16 using KODAK VISION3 500T Color Negative Film 5219 (7219 in the case of the smaller gauge). They also used the Arri Alexa, RED MX, Canon EOS 1DMK4 and a prototype of the not-yet-released Sony PMW F3.
While you can't see the tests, you can read about what they did and their impressions of the results:
3 Ways to Raise Your Rates and Crush Your Freelancing Fears | James Clear | Freelance Switch
Setting rates, and knowing when/whether to raise them is always difficult for the freelancer. This article offers some tips:
Adobe Story Lets Screenwriters Review Script Notes On IPhone | Taz Goldstein | HandHeldHollywood
Adobe Story, Adobe's online screenwriting tool is currently free, and they have now released an iPhone app that lets you review (but not edit) scripts as well.
Sony Alpha NEX-C3 | Jim Fisher | PC Mag
A review of the little Sony NEX-C3 [$599 with 16mm Lens @ Amazon]
giving it 4 and a half stars out of 5. If you're intrigued by this camera you might want to wait a bit as the NEX-5N will be announced in ten days, and may be everything the NEX-C3 is, plus 1080 video!
Raise $10,000 in 48 hours for your film | Malaika Mose | MastringFilm
An interview with Zak Forsman about the success of his crowdfunding campaign on KickStarter.
The Kickstarting Never Stops: Three Sundance Films Are Looking for Distribution Dough | Bryc Renninger | IndieWire
You make the movie, and that's only part of the work! A look at three movies that are trying to raise money for distribution.
Spoiler alert: We like spoilers! | Mary Elizabeth Williams | Salon
Shock! Who knew? A study seems to reveal that we actually like to know spoilers (which explains why we often read the end of a book before we start!)
A film and digital camera low-light comparison was performed by director Kate Dennis and cinematographer John Brawley, and the results then shown to different audiences. They shot on 35 mm and Super 16 using KODAK VISION3 500T Color Negative Film 5219 (7219 in the case of the smaller gauge). They also used the Arri Alexa, RED MX, Canon EOS 1DMK4 and a prototype of the not-yet-released Sony PMW F3.
While you can't see the tests, you can read about what they did and their impressions of the results:
“I still adore film – but you need to calculate your audience response,” [Dennis] says. “The digital formats are so clean – the resolution so astounding – that the qualities film brings (that humanising softness and luminosity) can't help but accrue meaning. The choice to use film is becoming a very deliberate one. Whether, in the end, we associate it with nostalgia, or something more compelling like truth – only time will tell.”
3 Ways to Raise Your Rates and Crush Your Freelancing Fears | James Clear | Freelance Switch
Setting rates, and knowing when/whether to raise them is always difficult for the freelancer. This article offers some tips:
A classic freelance mistake is to wait until the right time or the right client to raise your rates. The problem, of course, is that it’s never the right time. If you’re looking for excuses, then you’ll always find them. And if you continue to wait, then you’re leaving money on the table. It takes guts, but one day you’re going to need to make the jump. The sooner that day comes the better off you will be.
Adobe Story Lets Screenwriters Review Script Notes On IPhone | Taz Goldstein | HandHeldHollywood
Adobe Story, Adobe's online screenwriting tool is currently free, and they have now released an iPhone app that lets you review (but not edit) scripts as well.
Sony Alpha NEX-C3 | Jim Fisher | PC Mag
A review of the little Sony NEX-C3 [$599 with 16mm Lens @ Amazon]
Raise $10,000 in 48 hours for your film | Malaika Mose | MastringFilm
An interview with Zak Forsman about the success of his crowdfunding campaign on KickStarter.
ZF: Since the day we launched I have spent nearly every waking hour in front of the computer, either thanking each donator personally, writing to people asking them to spread the word, cutting update videos, sending out updates and of course, fostering the conversation on facebook, twitter and google plus. It is truly a full time gig.
The Kickstarting Never Stops: Three Sundance Films Are Looking for Distribution Dough | Bryc Renninger | IndieWire
You make the movie, and that's only part of the work! A look at three movies that are trying to raise money for distribution.
Spoiler alert: We like spoilers! | Mary Elizabeth Williams | Salon
Shock! Who knew? A study seems to reveal that we actually like to know spoilers (which explains why we often read the end of a book before we start!)