News From Here & There

Zeiss CP.2 Lenses
Richard Schleuning of Zeiss explains why being one of the last companies making a manual focus prime lens has it's advantages in video shooting.
DigitalRevolutionMediaZeiss CP.2 Compact Primes: An Interview with Richard Schleuning

Adobe Creative Suite 5 tips and tricks Free eBook PDF
Adobe has a 47 page free PDF that contains tips and tricks for exploring the creative possibilities of DSLR video editing with Adobe Creative Suite 5 software. The paper provides tips and tricks for navigating Adobe Premiere Pro CS5, Photoshop CS5, PhotoshopCS5 Extended, After Effects CS5, and other CS5 components to help you along the way.
Adobe: Adobe Creative Suite 5 tips and tricks [PDF]

Interview with Director of Photography: Vangelis Katritzidakis
Momentum Blog publishes an interview with Katritzidakis, who was DP for the Greek TV series The Island. The interview focuses on how he achieved the look he wanted using a combination of lighting and camera. They shot on the Sony EX-3 [$8,320], a smaller chip camera; to achieve the shallow depth of field they used a Letus 35 Pro prism.
MomentumBlogVangelis Katritzidakis Interview

RED Epic Unboxing and Assembly Videos
See the unboxing and assembly of the RED Epic camera.
FreshDVRED Epic Unboxing and Assembly Videos

Zip Tie Focus Rings
With follow-focus units, one of the unexpected costs can be the gear rings for the lenses themselves. HalfInchRails have produced a teaser video for Zip Tie Focus Rings which they promise will be 1/4 the typical cost of these things.

For those willing to experiment, they have an introductory offer of four for £20:
HalfInchRails: Beta Roll Out of the Product - Zip Tie Focus Gears

HIR Zip Tie Focus Gear from Sam Morgan Moore on Vimeo.


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