News From Here & There

Goodbye DLSR
Director and Editor El Skid wonders if some of the power-pioneers of DSLR (Bloom,Hurlbut et. al) will move to cameras like the Sony PMW-F3, and leave DSLRs behind: BLOOM, HURLBUT, LAFORET, ELSKID – BLOG RIP?

Bloom Plays With The Panasonic GH2
Maybe he's going to switch to the PMW-F3, but in the meantime Philip Bloom is playing with the Panasonic GH2 and likes the fact that it has HDMI out: First bit of filming with Panasonic GH2 and good news about clean HDMI OUT!

Switching to Premiere Pro
Chris Fenwick, who's been talking up switching from Final Cut to Premiere Pro a lot lately, notes that switching can be hard because of the little things: Switching IS hard.

Apple makes Find My iPhone service free
Previously you had to subscribe to MobileMe ($100 a year) to be able to find your iPhone, but now you can do it for free!
Engadget: Apple's Find My iPhone / iPad service now free, doesn't require MobileMe


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