Canon T2i (550D) user report

Filmmaker, DP and producer Nino Leitner has a blog, and his latest post is about his impressions of the Canon 550D (T2i). A short film he shot called "February" is included. It was shot using a pre-production 550D that shows lots of selective focus fun; note that it was shot using the "flattened" picture preset and there's been no color grading, so the colors are not as punchy as you might see in other clips.

The article is particularly interesting because he had considered getting a 5D Mark II over a year ago, but ended up buying a Sony EX3.

I went with the EX3 and have never regretted that choice.
Nevertheless, I always – of course, like everybody else – was striving for a filmic look on some jobs and projects. At that point already I decided that a DoF adapter like e.g. a Letus wasn’t the way to go for me. I don’t want to loose more light and is an overall too bulky setup to use on a regular basis.
To make a long story short: I decided a while ago that I needed an additional camera for a different purpose to supplement my EX3 setup. And I think I might have waited long enough with the purchase – because I just found my future camera with the new Canon EOS 550D (or Rebel T2i, how it’s called in the US).

He concludes that if you don't have a HD DSLR you should buy this camera. And even if you do have a 5D or 7D you should buy this camera; it's "the perfect back-up camera."

Nino film: UPDATED with short film “FEBRUARY” – Canon EOS 550D / Rebel T2i review (pre-production model)


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