Canon 7D update

It’s the end of the week, and with no Canon 7D in site, I thought I’d put together a little summary of interesting bits and pieces (about the 7D.)
Dan Chung has a blog DSLR News Shooter that’s worth following and has some nice video examples: "Another Night in Beijing" is all evening shots, and includes information about how it was shoot too.
His latest post is about Shooting China’s 60th anniversary parade with the 7D and 5DmkII and some other camera. Note that he reported some problems with overheating, but he was shooting in 720p. The video includes some interesting use of tilt/shift lens, slow motion, and time lapse.
Another Dan is blogging about his experiences shooting an independent feature with two 7D’s at
You can see photos someone took disassembling a 7D (Why???!) at a Japanese site. Can't read the descriptions unfortunately!.
And also a video of the carnage.
Video out
If you want to connect the camera to your television, you’ll need a Mini HDMI to regular HDMI cable (not included) for best performance.
If you’re using NeoScene to import 7D video; watch out! The current version converts everything to 29.97fps, blending 24fps footage, and throwing away extra frames in 60fps footage. NeoScene says they are working on a fix that will be in a new build “very very soon.”
Frame Rate
In case you missed it, in 1080 you can shoot in 24, 25 and 30fps. In 720p and 480p, it’s 60/50. Also, the 30fps is actually 29.97 and the 60 is 59.94.
The 7D uses the same battery as the 5D. Initial reports suggest you’ll get at least 3 or 4 hours out of a battery.
If you plan on shooting video with the 7D, make sure you get a UDMA card. Also, a speed of 333x or higher seems to be what people are gravitating towards. i.e. SanDisk Extreme IV is UDMA compatible, but the Extreme III is not.
Canon EOS 5D Mark II Write Speed
SanDisk, Transcend and PhotoFast roll out speedy cards up to 64GB
Other resources
There’s a good all around preview article on the 7D here: ProLost Canon 7D
Philip Bloom reports that SNL used a 7D and 5D to shoot the new SNL opening: Saturday Night Live use Canon 7d (and 5d)