Wednesday, June 08, 2011

Final Cut Pro X: The Natives Are Restless

When Apple said that Final Cut Pro X would be released in June, many people seemed to read "1st June," and there's been a constant hum of "where is it?" comments on Twitter over the past week.

As I expected (and I'm mostly half right) there was no mention of it at the World Wide Developers Conference key note.

Complaints - as well as guesses - have been proliferating. There have been different date predictions: as previously reported, Philip Hodgetts thinks it will be June 21st. I've also seen talk about June 14th, and several people have been saying it will be tomorrow, June 9th.

Not until Lion?
Aaron Robinson thinks it won't be released until Lion is released in July, but I think that's a miss-reading of what Apple has previously said. At the Vegas SuperMeet, Apple said that it would be in June, and they knew that Lion was not scheduled for release then (they also said that Final Cut Pro X would run on Snow Leopard.)

Of course, development can run into problems, things can get delayed, but if we take Apple at their word, there's no reason to believe that Final Cut Pro X will be held up specifically to role it out with Lion.
Arron Robinson: When Apple!? I want it now!

Motion 5
These may be faked,or this could be a sign of impending release, but Twitter user @BWilks2001 has this morning posted some screen grabs that are claimed to be from Motion 5, and also Final Cut Pro X.
Is this Motion 5?

TwitPic: Motion 5 interface
TwitPic: Motion 5 Project Browser
TwitPic: Rig Menu
TwitPic: Final Cut Pro X Import Preferences

TwitPic: B Wilks

[Update 12:45: The pictures have been removed from TritPic, but can be seen at AppleInsider: Images claim to show Apple's Motion 5, Final Cut Pro X ]

There have been other reports that Motion was being updated (as well as Compressor and SoundTrack Pro) so this is consistent with those reports.

A week or two until #FCPX arrives. Rumors are some other pro apps are in beta
We are 7/30ths of the way through June.

Other Rumors
I'll wager Apple will release a new Mac Pro whenever they release FCPX this month. No current towers have Thunderbolt, after all.
So says Philip Owens,(@POCuts) who has a VHS logo for his icon on Twitter...

love Apple products, been using it for a quarter century, but I disapprove their insincerity. FCPX isn't a hobby we need more info.

The waiting continues...

[Update: Added link to AppleInsider.]


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